We are glad to present the third edition of our DCB European report, under the name “Latest Trends On Direct Carrier Billing, A Consolidated Market With Great Growth Potential”.
In this new analysis, we share relevant insights about the European and Spanish market and the evolution in the coming five years (market data 2019-2024. We strongly encourage you to check the new report. Download it here
DCB is the perfect payment technology for a new mobile economy!
The new habits of digital content consumption, promoted by immediacy and mobility, boost the growth of DCB. It is a payment method available to any user who has a mobile phone. It does not require a credit card or registration; it simplifies the process and offers the total immediacy, privacy and security.
Pay attention to the evolution of Direct Carrier Billing in the digital content market
Currently, only 15% of the world content market is billed through the DCB, but new developments and the new PSD2 (Payment Services Directive) will make it reach around 22.5% in 2024. The business possibilities for DCB in the new mobile economy scenario are multiplied. According to Roberto Monge, Chief Operations Officer at Telecoming, “digital content has been the main driver of Direct Carrier Billing (DCB) revenue. However, with the implementation of the European Payments Directive, interesting opportunities arise. In particular, transport has great potential for growth in the coming years. DCB is a real alternative for this sector among users who are looking for a simple, fast and secure solutions to buy their transport tickets or pay for parking in a single click through the mobile.”.
Gaming, video and ePublishing: the most relevant industries for DCB in Spain
In the next five years, the digital content paid for through DCB in Spain will go from 458M€ in 2019 to 1.081M€ in 2024.
Due to its speed and simplicity, DBC is the ideal payment method for the games, videos and publications markets. These three sectors represent 83% of the digital content paid for through DCB in our country. The smartphone is the device preferred by users and represents 67% of the total sales of digital content in the Spanish market.
In Telecoming, we are excited about the success of DCB. We will continue to invest in this secure and convenient payment method in the coming years.
If you want to know more about the engines behind the growth of DCB in Europe, we suggest you read our full report. Download it here
Source: Telecoming ad-tech