Educational Videos in Spain - Telecoming BBC


Telecoming reaches an agreement with BBC and British Council aimed at bolstering edutainment in mobile video formats in Spain.

Fun is not incompatible with learning and this is portrayed by the fact that 54% of the Spanish Internet users viewed educational videos in 2017 (it entails 10 points growth compared to 2016). The penetration of these contents among the youngest segments are even higher (79,5% among 17 to 19 year-olds) and (69,2% among 25 and 34 year-olds).

Telecoming’s alliance with these two amazing players, on the one hand, entails increasing the reach of the BBC and British Council’s content among a young and mobile audience. On the other hand, it entails a unique opportunity for Telecoming to aggregate edutainment videos among its distribution strategy.

Edutainment is a growing trend within the digital landscape and it combines entertainment and training. It’s a market which is going through an upswing and which still has an enormous growth potential.

Videos are the content of the moment

48% of the time spent by mobile users is allocated at video consumption, according to Telefónica’s estimations. Our Content’s Director, Nicolas Gimenez Ignatiew explained: “permanent access to information, a more attractive format, more visual and which seems completely familiar to the user, place the videos as the best ally for the education sector”.

The agreement with BBC and British Council

The alliance between Telecoming, BBC and British Council has taken place in Spain and covers the whole Spanish market, but does not stop here. In the meantime the digital contents distribution will also take place in three other countries with the idea of entering new markets in the middle-term.

The future of mobile entertainment

Telecoming too has set its eyes on other emerging trends, above all, immersive ones, including Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and 360 videos. According to Gimenez, “These are the formats that are called to bring a unique entertainment experience”. However, he points out that “the challenge is the development of these technologies and equipping the users at the same time”.

Source: Telecoming ad-tech