Technology has arrived to bring profound changes in our lives and this also affects our cooking habits. At Telecoming we are strongly aware of this, as a result of our analysis on the Spanish digital foodie’s profile.

As a starting point, it’s worth analyzing what we mean by Foodie. To us, digital contents’ specialists, we understand foodies as those people who enjoy gastronomy and who are willing to improve their cooking skills, often, encouraged by digital contents.

The following are some of the most relevant findings of our analysis conducted on a sample of 850.000 users.

Women drive gastronomic contents

Taking into account our previous definition of foodie, our findings unveiled that 35% of foodies within the Spanish market are women over 55 years old. This was quite a discovery for us, ever since this segment has grown up using conventional information sources, as opposed to digital contents.

Their age group suggests that most of them have traditionally used recipe books and TV cooking channels as their cooking support. However, according to our data, they are precisely one of the  core targets of digital cooking contents.

Tradition wins over new trends

In spite of the success that has been attributed to modern cooking techniques and avant-garde cuisine, our analysis suggests that the recipes which are consulted the most are traditional ones. Moreover, the growing offer of organic food in grocery stores and easier access to bio products  altogether do not exceed the interest for the most traditional food menus.

Foodies choose to learn how to cook the most typical Spanish dishes, among which torrijas, Spanish omellette and paella are the most popular. In this sense, our Contents Director, Nicolas Gimenez Ignatiew points out that “we are going through a transformation in consumer habits. In this sense, smartphones have become the drivers of this change and currently are an essential tool to access digital contents, including gastronomy-related ones.

When do we access food contents?

Fridays seem to be preferred timing for looking up these contents and foodies choose to do so between 16:00 and 22:00. The weekends are the favourite timings for enjoying these contents, specially on Saturdays and Sundays, between 19:00 and 21:00 and 19:00 and 20:00, respectively.

Ultimately, technology has drafted a new Spanish foodie, who is delighted to learn how to deploy  cooking techniques using a smartphone, but who paradoxically chooses tradition over avant-garde cuisine.


Source: Telecoming ad-tech