Telecoming among Spain’s 50 Best Places to Work!
We made it again! Not only are we officially ranked for the third year among Spain’s Top 100 Best workplaces in Actualidad Económica’s prestigious Ranking, but we have also managed to climb up the ladder. We have managed to rise 23 positions in relation to last...
Machine Learning’s contribution towards Advertising
Machine Learning has achieved a predominant role in business conversations. However, before looking into its specific contribution towards advertising it’s worth reviewing what this term really means. Machine Learning entails data identification and treatment and...
Telecoming: Real Madrid’s Exclusive Digital Content’s Distributor via Carriers
We are happy to announce that we have reached an agreement with Real Madrid to become the Football Club’s exclusive digital content’s distributor via carriers in Spain for the next 3 years. Real Madrid, with a $3.114M market value, according to KPMG, has chosen us due...
Edutainment’s Growth is Boosted by Digital Contents
Edutainment is not a new learning approach. In fact, it has been here for decades. It literally entails education fostered through entertainment. Educational systems across the world have worked to introduce more enjoyable ways for students to learn. What is new about...