Technology and women, who empower whom?
Women are protagonists worldwide. Now more than ever, she leads the conversation and plays an essential role in society. Technology has contributed to the women’s empowerment, but at the same time, women have driven the development of technology in many digital...

Sports, an industry driven by passion.
The way we enjoy sports has evolved, and the future of this big industry founds new opportunities in the digital economy. Compared to other types of entertainment, sports fans are moved by passion and look for an almost live experience to enjoy it authenticly....

How Is Technology Transforming Payments?
Artificial intelligence, greater adoption of mobile devices, and the Internet of Things have changed customers’ demands. Modern shoppers are tech-savvy. They expect brands to provide them with greater convenience, personalization, and connectivity. And, payments are...

Telecoming wins Best Digital Entertainment Innovation Award at AfricaCom 2019
We are proud to announce that yesterday we won the Best Digital Entertainment Innovation AfricaCom 2019 Award! Telecoming has developed a mobile immersive entertainment service to change the way users enjoy video on their mobile devices. It places the users in the...

A cashless society is possible, hello Sweden!
According to the European Payments Council, Sweden is going to become the first cashless society because digital money is more used than cash. The largest country in Northern Europe has a very developed structure of electronic payments, including an own system, called...

Download the 3rd edition of our European report on Direct Carrier Billing
We are glad to present the third edition of our DCB European report, under the name “Latest Trends On Direct Carrier Billing, A Consolidated Market With Great Growth Potential”. In this new analysis, we share relevant insights about the European and Spanish market and...

Telecoming, among the nominees at the AfricaCom Awards
The AfricaCom Awards, one of the global tech most considered awards, announced the finalists last week. For the second year in a row, Telecoming is on the list as a candidate for the Best Digital Entertainment Innovation! We are delighted to share this excellent news...

Cashless payments, be part of the trend
Do you remember when we use to pay by cash ou daily expenses? In 2019, this is a past fact. Cashless payments have been on the rise year after year, but the trend is now different. Credit card payments, as well as bank transfers, have become an essential resource for...

European investment in digital advertising will exceed € 57,000 million this year
Rouge Agency, our AdTech agency, has carried out an analysis of the digital advertising industry and its promising future. At the end of this year, the investment in digital advertising in Europe will reach €57.232M, with a growth rate of 22% year-on-year until 2023,...

Digital advertising needs technology to fight against fraud
Last week we hosted in our office the MMA’s event, Tackling Mobile Ad Fraud, to brought together players experienced in mobile fraud. This initiative comes after the recent incorporation of Rouge AdTech Agency as a new partner of the Mobile Marketing Association....
Rouge AdTech Agency publications are edited by the Telecoming editorial team.
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